Purpose of this Policy
The purpose of this policy is to set out NIGHT WATCH SECURITY SERVICES LTD policy and procedures to prevent, manage and respond to work-related violence. Management supports this policy and we will not tolerate any instances of work-related violence, including verbal abuse, to our staff. No member of staff will be blamed for an instance of work-related violence caused by a customer or member of the public. All employees have the right to be treated with consideration, dignity and respect. This policy applies to all staff working on our premises, including door supervisors, contractors and delivery personnel.
Definition of Work-Related Violence
NIGHT WATCH SECURITY SERVICES LTD define work-related violence as: any incident in which an employee is abused, threatened or assaulted by a member of the public in circumstances arising out of the course of his/her employment. This is based on the Health and Safety Executive’s definition.
Responsibilities of Staff and Managers
These relate to all members of staff, including door supervisors and other personnel who work on these premises, or have responsibilities relating to them.
All managers have a responsibility to implement this policy and to make sure their staff are aware of it and understand it. Managers should also:
- Treat any reports of work-related violence, threats or abuse seriously and respond to them promptly.
- Record details of the incident where appropriate and give all employees involved in the incident full support during the whole process
- Respond and consider seriously any suggestions made by staff about how to improve violence prevention and management, and give feedback to staff about their suggestions, including whether it will be taken forward and if not, why not.
- Set a positive example by reporting all incidents of violence and abuse and not tolerating abusive behavior from customers and members of the public. Make sure you also offer good customer service and follow specific policies.
- Respond to and, where possible, resolve incidents, ideally before they escalate.
- Monitor incidences of violence and abuse and initiate appropriate action if more measures are needed.
- Review and amend this policy and the risk assessment as necessary.
- Where possible, direct staff to appropriate support and advice after an incident has occurred.
- Encourage other staff members to support their colleagues, including those that might have witnessed the incident.
- If victims are particularly traumatised by the event, provide support where possible, such as time off work or changes to their tasks.
- If an investigation is needed, work with the police and offer any assistance needed to help in their enquiries.
- Managers have a responsibility to act in a way that does not incite or increase the likelihood of violence.
- Any manager found to be encouraging or inciting violence or not resolving potentially violent or abusive situations may be subject to disciplinary action.
All staff have personal responsibility for their own behaviour and for ensuring that they comply with this policy.
There are a number of things that staff can do to help prevent work-related violence:
- Be aware of NIGHT WATCH SECURITY SERVICES LTD’s policy and comply with it, including specific policies on aspects such as the sale of alcohol or excluding customers.
- Offer good customer service and be aware of customer needs.
- Recognise the potential for work-related violence and take action to resolve it early on.
- Staff should take positive action and, for example, contact a manager if they think a customer or member of the public might cause problems.
- Don’t accept instances of work-related violence directed towards you or others. Staff should report any instances of violence, threats or abuse, including any details about when it happened, who was involved and any relevant circumstances that may have contributed to the incident.
- Serious incidents should be reported in the incident book kept in the manager’s office but minor incidents and incidents of verbal abuse should be reported to managers as they occur.
- Be supportive of colleagues who are victims or witnessed work-related violence. Suggest additional measures to managers which might help to prevent and manage work-related violence.
- Staff have a responsibility to act in a way that does not incite or increase the likelihood of violence.
- Any staff member found to be encouraging or inciting violence may be subject to disciplinary action.
- Staff and managers should also work with trade unions, where relevant, in preventing, addressing, reporting and responding to incidents or work-related violence.
Risk Assessments
The risk assessments for work-related violence are kept ( ). The risk assessments were conducted by the senior manager and are reviewed every year, unless an increase in the number of incidents suggests the assessment should be reviewed more frequently.
The risks were assessed by talking to staff, reviewing the incident book and considering the work environment and job design. If staff believe a risk factor has not been covered by the assessment or have ideas on further prevention measures, they should discuss these with their manager. The contents of the risk assessment will be communicated to all staff and appropriate training will be given.
Prevention and Management Measures
There are a number of measures in place following the risk assessment that staff should be aware of. These fall under the areas of work environment, working practices and training.
Work Environment
We have CCTV to monitor and survey the premises. This is visible in the manager’s office. The system can be used to focus on a potentially violent individual. It can also be used by the police to identify perpetrators. There are sufficient discs for one month’s worth of surveillance but, after that time, discs are recorded over. New discs should be purchased every quarter and the system is serviced every year.
We hire three door supervisors for Friday and Saturday. They are to be positioned at the front entrance. They have radio links to the manager so that they can call for assistance or look at CCTV if needed.
Popular but relaxing music is played on the premises to create a pleasant environment for customers.
Working Practices
Deposit boxes have been provided next to each till and staff are to keep cash in their tills to a minimum. For example, staff should deposit all £50 notes, deposit all but a couple of £20 notes, keep less than ten £10 and £5 notes in their till.
At the end of a shift, staff must follow the cashing-up procedures.
Sufficient staff should be provided at all times. At particularly busy times, more staff should be provided. Managers must monitor busy periods and ensure that this is followed. We will ensure that adequate numbers of staff are available at all times.
The following training should be provided:
- All staff, including new staff, should receive awareness training on work-related violence, our policy and procedures, how to prevent work-related violence, reporting procedures and what to do following an incident. This may be through formal training or a briefing from managers, depending on the risk potential for the staff members.
- Managers will be trained as above, as well as on how to handle complaints and trouble among customers effectively.
- Door staff have been trained by their own company on how to exclude or remove individuals from the premises and will be Security Industry Authority (SIA) registered and trained. They have also been inducted in relation to our own premises.
Specific and Relevant Policies
There are other company policies that are relevant to the prevention and management of work-related violence. These include:
- training
- cashing-up
- credit/debit cards
- counterfeit notes
- dress code.
Actions Following An Incident
If a staff member is being abused, threatened or attacked, they should approach their manager or a colleague for help. Managers should respond to the situation by talking to the perpetrator, explaining that their behavior is not acceptable. They should try to resolve the problem and, if that is not possible, call security for assistance. Security will remove the person where required. Medical assistance should be provided immediately where required. The police should be informed of a serious incident involving physical attack or serious cases of threatening or verbal abuse. Police should also be informed of persistent cases of violence, threats and abuse. vCCTV discs of incidents should be kept in case the police need them. All incidents should be recorded in the incident book and less serious incidents reported to managers. Staff members will be encouraged to provide support to any victims or witnesses of violence, threats or abuse through appropriate training, and managers should provide support, including, where needed, allowing time off work for individuals to recover.
Review Dates
This policy should be reviewed yearly when all other policies are reviewed, or if regular or serious incidents arise that suggest it needs to be revisited.
Reporting and Recording Systems
Staff have a responsibility to report incidences of work-related violence, including threats and verbal abuse, to managers. All incidents, including physical attacks, serious or persistent threats and verbal abuse, must be recorded in the incident book in the manager’s office. This asks for details of when the incident occurred, who was involved, descriptions of the perpetrator and any relevant circumstances that may have contributed to the incident.
Any incidents resulting in major injury to staff or that cause staff to be off work for three days or more must be reported under the RIDDOR Regulations 1995. Any incident which results in a member of the public being taken directly to hospital from the premises must also be reported. Managers should contact the HSE Incident Contact Centre on 0845 300 9923 to report the incident.
Less serious incidents should still be reported to managers as they occur and managers should make a note of these. If managers notice an increase in reports, several reports within a short period or reports about the same perpetrator, managers should record the details, ask staff for more information and take action. The action may include contacting the police or other local businesses about a persistent offender, reviewing the risk assessment and considering further prevention measures, or increased vigilance by managers or staff to prevent a more serious incident occurring.
Sign and print managers name:
Date for review: